LeBron James as SI's Sportsman of the Year

That's right, I read it. The whole thing. I didn't just glance at a retweet or skim the first few paragraphs and skip to the anonymous online comments.
SI makes its case. It gushes a little too much over James' basketball acumen at times. But it also details his work with students in Akron and the amount of resources he's put into education in his hometown.
Like most everyone else around here, I was mad at the way "The Decision" went down in 2010. But at some point you have to get on with your life. It doesn't mean you have to like James. But you have to let the anger go at some point, don't you?
Maybe not. We hold onto our sports bitterness longer here. That's the way it is. But it doesn't mean James was the wrong pick for SI's award.
- Howard Primer
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