Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My ideal press box

I'm sitting in a beautiful room overlooking the track at GaREAT in Geneva.
On this bright sunny day, I'm here to cover the Premier Athletic Conference meet.
The only problem is I have no results.
That means I'm going to have to wait until the end of the meet to type in all of my results which is frustrating.
My ideal press box would be the room I'm in right now. Only there would be results handy after every event. There would also be a cooler in the room filled with ice cold water and Diet Coke. Midway through the meet, a light meal would be served complete with fresh fruit.
Everyone in the press box would be friendly. No one would be in a bad mood. From the beginning of the meet until the end, there would be lively conversation that would make the meet that much more entertaining.
This is never going to happen I know.
So for now I'll settle for a beautiful room with no results.
I guess I'll have to take what I can get.

-Theresa Neuhoff Audia


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