For a laugh, follow Shooter McGavin

If you're like me and love Shooter, there's no need to watch the single- and double-pistol pointing arrogant golfer in the film. Just follow his parody Twitter account, @ShooterMcGavin_.
A sampling of Shooter's recent tweets. Enjoy:
Dec. 25: "When you get out of bed today *single pistol mirror* *jog downstairs/double pistols/thumbs to chest* *look at gifts* “MERRY CHRISTMAS BABAY”
Dec. 20: "If the world does end tomorrow, we should all look forward to some Chubbs Peterson concerts with him playing his white piano."
Dec. 17: "Retweet if you think ESPN should play ‘Happy Gilmore’ instead of Jets-Titans tonight."
Dec. 9: "Just seeing all those idiots at Lambeau wearing no shirts reminds me of the galleries I had to put up with when Gilmore was on the tour."
Dec. 9: "Looks like the Packers wised up and hired someone to yell “JACKASS” during Stafford’s throws"
Nov. 30: "Too bad David Stern wasn’t the PGA Commissioner when Gilmore fought Barker. He would have kicked him off the tour and Id have my gold jacket"
- Mark Podolski | @MPodo
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