Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sporcle is a powerful force

In the last month or so, I was told one night in the office about a website I might find interesting.

Big mistake, because now, I can't pull myself away from the site for large periods of time.

Sporcle, unleash your grip on me. Please.

Basically, Sporcle is a list quiz website. Any subject you can imagine, including sports, you're given x amount of time to fill in the blanks. English professional soccer clubs (all the way to the Conference). The 100 Indians with most games played for the team. Statistical leaders for every season (insert Big 4 franchise) has been around. Starting lineups. Geographic order. You name it.

The honor code part of it is to not look up the answers and do it off the top of your head. Or with people staring over your shoulder trying to help you out and annoyed like you if they can't get a certain answer.

Go ahead and try it - It's like a potato chip. You have one - and good luck if you can avoid having another. And another again.

If you REALLY want to start with a bang, try the NBA's top 200 scorers from 1999-2009 (for the record, I didn't try this one).

The site's home page states its games have been played nearly 554 MILLION times.

After getting hooked myself, I believe it.

- Chris Lillstrung


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